Labels:book | bulletin board | chat room | earth | plant | poster | reckoner | sidewalk | sky | window | windowpane OCR: Apple Scanner System Requirements To use the Apple Sanner and Macintosh Phis Macintosh Ahard disk AppleScan software you will SF or Macintosh II : computer Systern file version 6.0 need the follosying: with at least megabyte later memory (You can increase the: Appropriate SCSI cabling perfe rmarice of the Apple Scan by using it. with a Macintosh that has more than : megabyte of memory Technical Sperlfications Characteristics Output t resolution: 75 100 Environmental reguirenents Scanner type flathed 150. 200 DHE 300ots per inch Operating temperature: Maximum dxument sIze Contrast levels: up to 8 32o to 104 (0) 1 40 C 14 inchcs (specified by user) Storage temperature Interface: SCSI Brightness : Icvels: up to 16 40a 149c F t 0 ta650 C Dropout color: (specified b user} Relative humidity 5%i ...